Rating: NC-17 for some totally gratuitous sex.
Summary: Once again, stealing from Giz...the cat was her idea. In fact, most of that scene is hers.
She needs to get busy, don't you think?
Spoilers: None.
In spite of what has happened to Michael, I've enjoyed this evening immensely, once he and Langly made their appearance.
It's so good to see people you liked, but previously saw under miserable circumstances, enjoying a pleasurable occasion.
I was really happy to see Kat, and the girls were ecstatic. Kat's invited them to come over the summer again-they went for a week this past year as well as the year prior to that. It's getting to be a regular thing. Her two daughters have grown up so much, and they're great kids. Her husband is more conservative than I would have expected for Kat, but he's a sweet guy, and Byers gets along well with him, never a bad thing in a brother-in-law.
Juliet's parents and brother are pleasant and shockingly down to earth for being professors. They brought lots of wine and flowers with them, which I felt was a very kind gesture, considering that they barely know us. A lot of that wine got consumed at dinner. I'm not a wino, but apparently, we had more than a few closet ones lurking about, because there are a lot of empty and near-empty bottles littering the table.
They like Byers. You can tell. They definitely have son-in-law designs on him.
This causes me no end of amusement.
Of course, who wouldn't want Byers for a son-in-law?
Answer: my mother. He wouldn't make her laugh enough.
It's not even a Jewish holiday, but I miss my mother a little.
Okay, I miss her a lot.
Get over it, Allison. That's what she'd say to me, anyway.
Even Joan is in a lively, happy frame of mind tonight. Usually, while she's very kind and polite, she tends to be extremely tightly wound, but tonight, she's just enjoying herself. I know it must be hard, but she seems all right with this.
She helps me carry things to the kitchen, and I find out why.
Her daughter, Langly's niece, whom he hasn't seen since she was not quite Miranda's age, is coming in early tomorrow morning for a few days.
And from what she says, her daughter adored Uncle Ringo while she was growing up, and she's dying to see him.
"He used to tease her so badly, and she'd annoy him all the time," Joan smiles at the idea of this.
"That sounds like the Langly I know."
"I'm so happy to see her, Ally. You don't know what it's like not to be close to your own daughter."
No, but I have an idea what it's like to not be close to your mother.
I'm glad her daughter is getting another chance.
I probably had plenty and didn't recognize any of them. I blew it on my own.
Hopefully she won't make this mistake.
Joan also swears me to secrecy on this-she wants this to be a surprise for Langly.
I love this. I will be snickering at him all night long and he'll have no idea why.
I love having the power.
It's so rare that I do.
Byers comes over and says he's got to sneak out quietly for about half an hour or so, but he'll be back. I ask him if everything's okay, and he says, of course, he just has something he needs to take care of.
It's the quiet ones you shouldn't trust. And his blue eyes are gleaming with mischief.
Wonder if I should warn Juliet...
He says he told Juliet he'd be right back, there was a present he forgot at home.
Not likely that Juliet would believe that one-the guy is like Mr. Anal Retentive-but he's out the door, and I think I hear him chuckling.
This worries me.
Kelly comes into the kitchen, asks if we need any help. I tell her no, we're not even going to bother with the dishes until later. She asks if she could use the phone, and I show her where the cordless cradle is, and amazingly, the phone is in it.
This could be a first at Chateau Langly, as Michael refers to us.
She asks how you use it.
Oh God. Kid's never used a cordless phone.
She's apparently calling her mother, and I get the impression Mom is not happy with her daughter right now. From the sound of it, Kelly ran out of work when Michael got hurt. Something to the effect that her younger sister saw what happened to Michael, but she didn't say anything, Kelly's saying that Tracy never remembers anything, anyway, and that if Mom's boyfriend weren't such a jerk, she'd never have had to leave in the first place.
Then it gets ugly.
Lots of name calling, probably on both sides. It's a full frontal assault, both appear to be in attack mode.
And Kelly's about to break into tears. She's fighting it back, but you can tell.
I motion to her to give me the phone. She shakes her head at first, but I give her a Mom Look, and she says, Ally wants to talk to you. Mom doesn't know who I am, she says, she's a classmate.
I cover the microphone and tell Kelly to go in the bathroom and wash her face and go back in the living room.
"This is Ally."
"Yeah, that's what Kelly said. What in hell do you mean by keepin' her there? She's s'posed to be workin.'"
"From what I gather, your gentleman friend"-and I say this with more than a little sarcasm, but it's lost on this woman-"did a number on one of her friends, and she was helping him out."
"Well, they shouldna been at the house anyways. Troy don't like bein' disturbed when he's not feelin' well."
What planet is this woman living on?
"Mrs. Martin, I don't care what they did. He had no right to go and bash in my friend's face, and your daughter was just doing what was right."
"She's s'posed to be workin', that's what she's s'posed to be doin'! I can't run this place without her. She knows that."
The woman's words are slurred.
She's drunk.
Oh God.
I'll bet my entire next paycheck that Troy's 'not feelin' well' translates out to a hangover.
"Look, it's Christmas Eve, we're having dinner, I invited her to eat with us. And since she drove my car, someone's going to have to take her back, and we haven't even opened gifts yet."
"Don't matter now. We're gonna be closin' soon. Can't stay open if she ain't here."
"What do you plan to do next week when she starts her other job?" I've had more than a little alcohol myself, and my irritation meter is running on full blast.
"I'm hopin' she'll change her mind. Think about her family for a change."
Yeah, lady. Why don't you try it for a change? Why don't you crawl out of your alcoholic haze and grow up? But I don't say it.
"We'll bring her back later."
"Yeah, well, she's gotta be workin' early, it's Christmas day, folks want breakfast and we'll be real busy, so you tell her she better be ready to work in the mornin.'"
I hang up on the woman.
Kelly may love her, but not because she deserves it.
Do any of us?
Kelly's calmed down some. She's more subdued, but she's back over sitting by Michael, who's pulled a bunch of our giant TV watching pillows on the floor. He looks pretty miserable, but he's maintaining. I catch his father throwing worried glances his way constantly, even when he's engrossed in conversation with somebody else.
I ask the two of them if they're all right, and they're like yeah, we're okay. Kelly asks for some coffee, and I put some on for her.
Miranda and Shelby and Mary are acting out the movie "Scream," one of the top ten hits of Miranda and Shelby, and they're howling with laughter. I haven't seen Shelby screech like this in ages. And they have an audience-Juliet and Joan and Juliet's mother are enjoying it almost as much as they are.
It's mirabile visus, wonderful to see.
I'm measuring out coffee when I get attacked from behind.
I should wear these pants more often.
Even if I do have to lie down to zip them.
It's Langly, a little beery and feeling cheerful and silly-and amorous.
He pulls me into a long kiss and a big, tender hug, and I find myself slipping my hands under his shirt and running my fingers over his back. He murmurs appreciatively, and he asks if anybody'd notice if we left.
Well, probably someone would, because Byers is back in the kitchen just as Langly's filling my head with evil ideas.
He's holding a pet carrier, and in the pet carrier is the most incredibly beautiful cat I've ever seen.
"What's with the cat? We got enough cats!" Langly reminds him, loudly.
"It's not for you, you idiot. It's for Juliet."
"Oh. Well, in that case, bring it on in."
"What kind is she?" I ask Byers as I'm gawking at this absolutely gorgeous kitten. And it's still a kitten-at most, it's about three months old.
"Tonkinese. I know Juliet loves cats, and Tonkinese are a wonderful breed, very gentle and affectionate."
"It's a surprise, isn't it?" I ask.
"Well, unless she heard Loudmouth over here-" he waves his free hand at Langly, who sticks his tongue out at him-"yes, it is." He glares mildly at Langly.
I want to see Juliet receive this cat. I know I'd go nuts were I given a cat like this as a gift.
Any cat, really.
And in spite of what Langly says, we don't have enough cats. We used to have six, and now we're down to three.
And he loves them. If someone's watching, he'll insult the cats, but the moment he thinks no one is around, he'll murmur sweet nothings to them and pet them and love them like nobody's business.
Poor kitty is immediately the center of attention when Byers brings her into the living room. It's going to take her months to recover from this trauma.
Byers quietly shoos everyone back, gently lifts the kitten from the carrier, and places her in Juliet's arms. Juliet is awestruck. She's just stroking the kitten's fur and murmuring to it. I can't hear above the din, but she says it's got a good motor and it's purring.
Byers comes over to her and begins stroking the little cat behind the ears, and I can hear him making soothing noises to it, and the purr motor is coming in loud and clear.
"Her name's Tivoli. Sort of like I love you backwards...well, kind of...too many vowels-"
She takes Byers's palm in a gesture that is sweet, intimate, and terribly sexy.
And I'm already horny. Watching this whole interchange is heating me up hopelessly.
"John...are you telling me..."
"Yeah." He's blushing. And smiling. And the tenderness in those blue eyes engulfs the entire room.
Langly is going to get it tonight.
Then she looks upset.
"John, they don't allow pets in my complex."
He nods. "I know. But they do in mine. I was thinking that she could live at my place and you could see her anytime you wanted to...and then I figured, why don't you come live at my place and then you will be able to see her anytime you want?"
Juliet blinks as if she's not sure she heard him right.
"John. Are you asking me to move in with you?"
"I am."
She looks absolutely disbelieving at first, and then she looks ecstatic and she and her new kitty, together with Byers, merge into this amazing kiss.
Her mother and father are nearby. Her father whispers to her mother, "Only a matter of time now."
This moment helps wipe out a lot of the bad taste that Kelly's mother left me with.
It's truly a time for celebration.
And Langly better be prepared for later...I intend to love him until he's dry.
Langly goes over to Juliet and pats her on the back, shakes Byers' free hand.
"Just don't tell us when it's time for the...you know, the OPERATION." He raises his left hand in the air, those first two improbably long fingers making a scissors gesture.
Byers blanches visibly, and all the male members of the party wince.
Once again, my husband has opened his mouth and stuffed his oversized foot in it.
"I think he means the cat," I explain hastily.
There's visible relaxation on the part of the short-chromosome crowd and a flurry of giggles from the rest of us.
Men. They're so sensitive.
There's been a lot of liquor consumed and people are festive, save for Michael and Kelly, who are as if lost in their own quiet world. It's almost as if there's a bubble around them, and the place could blow up around them, and they'd never notice.
As Juliet's father said, only a matter of time now.
Dad says it's time to go. We have to take Kelly home, too.
I want my own bed, where it's warm and comfortable and I can just die quietly.
But I don't want to be alone in it tonight.
Oh well.
My head is really throbbing now, and parts of me are starting to hurt where I didn't even know you could have pain.
My kingdom for some Demerol.
I try to get up, and it's not happening. It takes both Dad and Kelly to get me off the floor. I ask Ally if I can take one of the TV pillows and she says sure, I've already got half her stuff anyway.
The drive home is gonna be murder.
Plus we have to go to Warrenton-oh God.
I do NOT want to see that place again, and I don't want Kelly to have to, either.
The thought of going home seems to get her down. She was being real happy earlier, we were just talking-well, mostly she was talking to me. I don't much feel like talking right now, but she seemed okay with it. And sometimes she'd just sit and watch me. Maybe it's only medical curiosity, but I don't care-I just want her to see me, and I want her to see how much I want her.
And not just in the way I wanted her the first night I met her.
I mean, I want that, I really do. If she said let's go right now, pain or no pain, I'm there.
But she really talks to me. And when I've got something to say, she listens.
She's my friend.
I could be with this girl forever...
Shit, my brain must really have gotten rocked.
I'm grabbing empty wine and beer bottles from everywhere, preparing to take them out for recycling. Everyone's gone, it's just Langly and Miranda and me, and it's pretty quiet, save for the Bach concerto playing softly in the living room.
Dishes are piled high in the sink. There are napkins and flowers and glasses and God only knows what strewn about the entire living room, dining room and kitchen.
I think the mess has reached new heights.
Fuck it. It's not like it's going to go anywhere on its own. It'll be there waiting for me whenever I get to it.
And I am so hopelessly horny.
I turn off the water, and make my way into the living room, where Langly is still sipping a beer. I grab the beer bottle from him, snatch him by the hand, and inform him that he's taking me to bed RIGHT NOW.
He grins and says, just show me the way.
I start by removing his clothes very slowly. He's reaching for mine, but I tell him, no.
I just want to totally seduce him tonight.
He is so deliciously gorgeous.
I remove his T-shirt and lean my head into the rather substantial chest he possesses. All the hair is soft and downy, and I touch my lips to each nipple. This elicits a sharp intake of breath on his part, and he's ready to get going, but I'm not.
I intend to enjoy every inch of him for as long as I can. And he's a big guy, so that should keep me busy for a while.
I move my mouth down him, to his abdomen, and he's already swelling like crazy.
He's just going to have to go crazy for a little longer.
I lower him on to the bed and piece by piece, start removing my clothing.
Getting out of the pants is going to be interesting. I'm wondering how I'm going to do this with any kind of style.
Somehow I manage. It's not elegant, but it works.
We are both totally naked and in love and turned on in the worst way. Or the best, depending on your perspective.
I slip my hands around his very adorable butt-I mean, he's got the cutest ass in the world. This gets me more than a few murmurs of appreciation.
He's trying to move his hands to my curls, but I'm like, no. I want to do this.
Besides, if he touches me right now, it's going to be all over for me, and I want this to last as long as possible.
I can taste every inch of him, the familiar mix of Ivory soap and mild sweat. I can just breathe him in for hours.
The sweat's not mild anymore. He's drenched. The look on his face is so incredibly tender. Pale blue eyes barely visible around dark, enlarged pupils that seem to just take me in.
Finally I lower myself on to him, taking in his length. He's a substantial man, but I've gotten very comfortable with that. For a while, I just stay still, and feel him joined into me. He's fighting for control and I love it.
So am I.
I start moving very slowly, but that's all it takes. He arches back, almost choking, and somewhere in there I think he whispers my name. He grabs me, pulls me down against him, and I feel myself falling through space, igniting...
I will never forgive George Bush for co-opting the phrase 'a thousand points of light.' Because at that moment, that's all I see.
That, and the face of my lover, my husband, my friend, who is swirling down the tubes of ecstasy.
We're spent and breathless. There's a soft cloud around us.
We snuggle together as we always do-my head on his chest, he burying his face in my hair, just trying to catch our breath again.
I listen and I can hear his heartbeat finally begin to slow. This will surely have me off in dreamland shortly.
Besides, why should Byers and Juliet have all the fun?
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!